ANTARIS48 Settings
The core module may come from u-blox :-)
It is possible to configure ANTARIS48 with the bundled software, but the original format(UBX format) is required for configuring the module in detail. A PDF manual entitled "FV-21 Users' Guide" will be installed when the configure software is installed. Details of the format is shown in the manual
UBX format is so called binary format as follows: [code] 2byte header(fixed), 1byte class ID, 1byte Message ID, data length(2bytes), data(variable length), checksum(2bytes) [/code]
PC connects to the serial #1 of the core module NMEA, UBX and RAW format are available. To utilize UBX(or RAW) format,
The output rate is counted by the rate defined by CFG_RATE command. E.g. when CFG_RATE is configured as 4Hz, 6 in CFG_MSG results in 1.5Hz output rate. Kinematic models selected with CFG_NAV contains airborne with <1g :). Default setting for this model was "automotive". WAAS(MSAS) is able to be enabled with CFG_SBAS. The status can be reported with NAV_SBAS. CFG_SBAS allows to configure PRN, test signal information and so on. So, MSAS test signal could be utilized for DGPS correction(not yet tested).
DGPS with MSAS Test signal has been tested and the receiver succeeded to utilize augmented MSAS information! (2006.1.23)